Location: Minas Gerais.

Equipment: Rolling mill motor.


The client, one of the largest steel mills in the country, called DATA ENGINEERING on an emergency basis for the analysis of a problem in one of the main rolling mills of the mill. One rolling mill engine was already in the DATE for preventive maintenance, so the stoppage of this second rolling mill engine could directly impact the customer’s production.


After a detailed analysis of the machine, it was found that there was an inadequate assembly in the motor lubrication system, generating internal contamination that could compromise the machine’s insulation system if the problem was not solved quickly. DATA ENGINEERING provided all the assistance for the client and in less than 7 hours of service the problem was solved, avoiding the burn out of the motor, guaranteeing the full functioning of the machine.



Data Engenharia is grateful for the commitment and dedication of the employees involved in this project. This case demonstrates our commitment to always get the best result, with the highest performance. “At Data Engenharia we consider the problem of the client as our problem, this makes all the difference, because we believe that competence and professional commitment is not enough, it has to have personal involvement, relationship, sensitivity, willingness to listen and to deliver better every day the work we do. Breno Silva – President of Data Engenharia.